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resonant chamber中文是什么意思

用"resonant chamber"造句"resonant chamber"怎么读"resonant chamber" in a sentence


  • 共鸣室
  • 空腔共振器
  • 谐振箱


  • The factors which affect the spl : the square measure of diaphragm , the amplitude of vibration , magnetic field intensity , power , impedance , resonant chamber , the pattern and the thickness of diaphragm , and the holes
  • The inlet pressure corresponding to the strongest effect is different with different resonant chamber . the results can provide a basis for applying the resonant chamber to enhance heat transfer , which has practical significance on rebuilding lots of heat exchangers
  • The effect of the resonant chamber is analyzed . during the experiment , fluid self - oscillation occurs under reasonable configuration and inlet waterpower parameter of resonant chamber , the intensity of the self - oscillation will be changed when the configuration and inlet waterpower parameters of the resonant chamber are changed
  • By the design of microwave electric field mode and microwave mode converter ( mmc ) , the thesis participated in equipping an domestic microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition ( mpcvd ) equipment with a quartz glass window and water - cooled stainless steel resonant chamber in 2450mhz / 5 kw , introduced the basic machineries and functions of the sub - systems , including microwave system , gas - route system , vacuum system , detecting system and safeguard system
    论文通过微波场型和模式转换器的设计,参与建立了一套2 . 45ghz 5kw带有石英玻璃窗、水冷却不锈钢谐振腔的微波等离子体化学气相沉积( mpcvd )系统( mpcvd - 4型) 。论述了包括微波系统、气路系统、真空系统、检测系统和保障系统等结构的组成及基本功能。
  • The heat transfer can be enhanced when the configuration and inlet waterpower parameter of resonant chamber are properly selected , the effect of heat transfer enhancement is different with different configuration and inlet waterpower parameter of the resonant chamber , and the strongest effect on heat transfer is found out , which can increase the heat transfer coefficient about 30 %
    不同的尺寸和进口水力参数,强化换热的效果也不同,同时发现存在一个最好的强化换热效果,此时可以将换热系数提高30 %左右,对不同的共振腔,产生最佳换热所对应的进口压力略有不同。
用"resonant chamber"造句  


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